
INA4180A1QPWRQ1 Texas Instrument Electronic Components

The INA4180A1QPWRQ1 is available in a 14-pin, TSSOP package. All device options are specified over the extended operating temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.   The INA180-Q1, INA2180-Q1, and INA4180-Q1 (INAx180-Q1) current sense amplifiers are designed for cost-optimized applications. These devices are part of a family of current-sense amplifiers (also called current-shunt monitors) that sense voltage drops across current-sense resistors at commonmode voltages from –0.2 V to +26 V, independent of the supply voltage. The…

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Suzhou Bearing Factory Co., Ltd.(SBF) has obtained a new invention patent: “High-efficiency and high-speed thrust needle roller bearing cage”

Suzhou Bearing Factory Co., Ltd. recently obtained a new invention patent authorization, named "A high-efficiency cage for thrust needle roller bearings suitable for high speed", the patent application number is CN202310980649.3, and the authorization time is September 17, 2024.   Patent description: This invention introduces a thrust needle roller bearing cage designed for high-speed environments, which belongs to the technical category of mechanical parts. It includes an annular cage and a series of longitudinally penetrating holes,…

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Snap-fit Design 101: Basics, Types, and Best Practices for Snap Fit Joints

Have you recently come up with a product idea, or do you need to manufacture parts with special requirements? If so, you’re likely looking to create high-quality parts while reducing manufacturing costs and improving aesthetics and ease of assembly. One essential design feature that can help you achieve these is the snap-fit joint. However, while seemingly simple, there is more to snap-fit joints than meets the eye. For instance, there are several types of snap-fit…

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NXZ Bearing and EISENBERG Bearing jointly develop high-end bearing

Recently, NXZ Bearing and EISENBERG Bearing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (EISENBERG) jointly invested and established a subsidiary company – NXZ-EISENBERG(Ningxia) Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd. NXZ-EISENBERG is positioned in the field of high-end bearings. In this cooperation, NXZ Bearing and EISENBERG have established a new type of strategic relationship. The two parties will carry out in-depth complementary advantages and cooperation in the field of high-end bearings, and respond to the China’s call for localization of high-end bearings. NXZ…

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>Long Chinese Jacket

This beautiful traditional Long Chinese Jacket is beautifully decorated with Chrysanthemum flowers. In a beautiful orange or gray satin color, this jacket will enhance your silhouette with elegance and refinement. In China, Chrysanthemums are a flower associated with Autumn, but above all, with longevity. And it is quite normal, since this jacket will accompany you for a long time in your wardrobe! Details of the Long Chinese Jacket • Long Chinese Jacket : • Material: Polyester and Satin• Mao collar• Hand wash…

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>Chinese Wedding Jacket

This Chinese Wedding Jacket  for Men is typical of traditional Chinese weddings. In China, we get married in red, to bring luck and good fortune. This beautiful bright red Chinese Wedding Jacket  is decorated with golden floral motifs for a typical Chinese style. It is sublimated with a beautiful Mao collar that will highlight your headwear. Details of the Chinese Wedding Jacket  • Traditional Tangzhuang Jacket• Material : Acetate (Cotton/Linen)• Mao collar• Hand wash cold for an ideal preservation• FREE STANDARD…

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Can You Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss?

Pregnancy hormones can undoubtedly alter how you look and feel. Alongside the skin changes and mood shifts, women can experience thick, glossy locks as hormone levels rise. But this excess new hair growth usually falters postpartum, with excessive shedding just one of the many unique challenges new moms face. With hair loss on the horizon at a time when confidence levels tend to dip, what can be done to prevent postnatal hair loss? Whether you’re…

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Can High Blood Pressure Cause Hair Loss?

High blood pressure is a health condition that many people worry about as they get older. It seems like everything in life affects your blood pressure — from what you eat to your lifestyle choices. Not only is high blood pressure a trigger for heart disease, but some suggest it also causes hair loss. But how much of that is true? To unravel facts from fiction, read on to learn more about how high blood…

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新闻发稿114(www.xwfg114.cn)认为做软文营销有三个关键环节:软文营销的整体策划、撰稿、软文发布。这三个关键环节中,对于企业来讲,最受关注的是软文发布环节,软文发布也是企业支出费用最多的环节。如果把软文营销比作一顿晚餐,那么软文发布就是一筐萝卜、青菜、肉等原材料。对于一个企业的软文营销成功与否,软文发布这个原材料的好坏是起到一个决定性的作用的。   一、软文发布发多少家效果好?   有的企业觉得一篇软文发一家就好,有的企业一篇文章想遍布互联网各大网站,这是两个极端,具体发布多少家还是要看推广的目的,以及软文的性质。如果是一篇普通的公关稿件,发布一家也是比较少,发布5家以上为好;如果是重磅出击的事件新闻,或者企业新品、促销稿件发稿114建议更多,10家以上为好,网站覆盖面要铺开,各类网站有一些代表性的,如果费用允许最好做到50家以上。   二、软文发布发哪些媒体效果好?   这个问题表面上很简单,就是找与企业产品服务匹配的媒体,关键是要熟悉媒体,企业熟悉自己的产品,但是对媒体熟悉程度不够。发稿114选择媒体关注三个点,一个是企业的目标客户地域范围,另一个是企业所在的行业,再一个媒体的优势特点。如果企业是面向全国的那好办,媒体选择可以大面铺开,如果是一个城市,以地方门户为主,当然也不能放弃综合门户,全国各地的网民都是关注综合门户的,再有一些行业网站,做成媒体组合拳,不怕客户看不到。   三、软文发布如何选择发布频道?   企业的业务非常繁多,网站频道也是非常之多,但是我们的软文该投向什么频道呢?当然是有目标客户的频道。一般新闻财经频道比较大众,企业新闻稿也不排斥新闻财经这样的频道,他们的受众也比较多,但是针对特殊行业就需要做翻分析。例如家居行业,可以发的频道有新闻、财经、建材、家居、女人、购物、促销、家电等。再例如医疗行业可以发健康、医疗、美容、生活、消费、保健、中医等。企业在发布软文时其实不用严格限制频道,相关频道就行,不要跟软文的话题无关就可以,限制太严了倒是会损失传播的机会。   四、软文发布的效果如何评估?   效果评估是个更受关注的话题,我的钱花了,到底有没有用处呢?每个老板都会想,而且喜欢算性价比。软文这东西呢,效果评估还真的不好量化,软文发布出去是永远存在的,在媒体的相关新闻或搜索引擎里传播。一般来讲,如果新闻稿发布之后被百度新闻源收录即可认为是效果不错,当然某种原因不收录的也不见得不好,有些综合门户网站百度新闻不收录,但是媒体本身有不小的流量,很多企业还是喜欢发。再有,如果这篇软文经过优化,哪怕是长尾词,获得了首页排名,这篇软文的价值也会很高,通过搜索来的访问量将倍增。   中小企业的推广预算有限,所推广周期相对较短,对于推广的时间和推广的执行力要求较高,软文推广因为推广门槛低、操作简单、执行速度快、性价比高,对于中小企业而言是最具性价比和立竿见影的有效推广方式,因此智推网受到客户的广泛青睐。   发稿114平台拥有 10000+ 家新闻媒体资源,日均发稿量达 3000 篇。目前,发稿114服务过的企业客户超过 5000 家,包括京东、华为、清华同方、创维家电等国内大型上市集团,中国电信、中国联通、上海旅游等国营企业等,以及飞利浦等外资企业、uber等国外公司都选择了发稿114提供的专业发稿服务。 Keyword: 媒体发稿

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企业如何选择发稿网站呢!首先企业要知道写软文是需要特别注意技巧,但是想要去达到更好的推广效果,一定要把写好的文章发布到专业的平台上。要如何去选择发稿的网站呢?下面就为大家具体的介绍软文发稿网站选择的三种方法。 1、看覆盖面 软文发稿网站选择的三种方法是有必要去了解的。选择发搞网站的时候,一定要特别注意复概面有一些是属于小众的发稿网站,所以覆盖面非常的有限,可是有一些是属于大的发稿网站覆盖面非常的广,大家就需要去选择覆盖面相对广的网站,这样投放的效果会更好。 2、看整体实力 了解软文发稿网站选择的三种方法,选择发个网站的时候需要看整体的实力,如果资深平台流量不高,那么即便是做软文推广效果也不是很好,所以在选择发稿平台的时候一定要特别注意流量,同时转化率指标也是需要考虑的,如果是流量高转化率也比较高,在这种平台上去推广效果会比较好。 3、看价格 有的发稿网站的收费非常的经济实惠,可室友的平台收费会比较高,所以大家在选择发稿平台的时候就需要考虑到价格,要考虑划不划算的问题。 上面介绍了软文发稿网站选择的三种方法,选择发个网站千万要特别注意方法,不要随大流,要去全面的了解基础的情况,然后再进行对比,哪个平台更具有实力?一般情况用户可以直接选择我们聚发稿网站,可以根据企业的需求进行自由的选择发稿网站。 标签: 发稿网站选择 网媒选择 发稿网站选择方法 Keyword: 发稿渠道

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