
Cabi Adds E-Commerce Option For All Shoppers

SHOP NOW, STYLIST LATER:  Women can now shop Cabi online.

The new e-commerce site launched last month in the U.S., the U.K. and Canada. Before the new site became available, prospective customers were able to browse online, but could not purchase directly from the site. Clients who already were working with a Cabi stylist were able to make online purchases, but only through their stylist’s personal Cabi web site.

In the updated iteration of the site, each new shopper is connected with a Cabi stylist immediately after a purchase, and after the connection, she can choose how she prefers to communicate with her assigned stylist. Shoppers also can browse a digital, shoppable edition of Cabi’s seasonal magazine, the Notion. The site also features outfit ideas and tips for mixing and matching their purchases from season to season.

Lynne Coté, chief executive officer of the social-selling retailer, said, “Cabi was founded to solve the frustrations of shopping, and to provide a shopping experience rooted in human connection and personal service. The reality is that more women are shopping online, and we want to be responsive to that without sacrificing the high-touch experience of working with a Cabi stylist.” That experience of working one-on-one with a stylist, if the shopper chooses to do so, can be via e-mail, text or phone.

Cabi — Carol Anderson by Invitation — was founded in 2001 by designer Carol Anderson and 11 others.