
Linda Hogan's 19-Year-Old Boyfriend Denied A Restraining Order Against Hulk


Linda Hogan’s 19-year-old boyfriend Charley Hill tried to get a restraining order against Hulk Hogan, but a Florida court doesn’t believe Hulk is out to get Charlie and has denied the request. You can read the official court documents here.

Charley claimed Hulk “dangerously followed” him in his car a couple weeks ago and “pulled up next to him and stared at him” at a stoplight — a crime in no states.

Charley says he “fears [Hogan] will attempt to injure or kill him” because Linda is his girlfriend. The aspiring seaman also claims Hulk tailgated him and intimidated him on another occasion, and thinks Hulk is even more dangerous because he had weapons charges against him in 1979.

Hulk’s Hogan’s lawyer David Houston tells, “This is just another blatant attempt by Linda Hogan to try to defame Hulk Hogan’s character. We commend the judge on seeing through this ridiculous stunt and denying these baseless claims.”

* PICTURES of Linda Hogan & Her 19-Year Old Boytoy (Direct Link)