
"DEFCON 1-Level Bad": Uproar After Steve Bannon Gets Loose With Lefty Magazine

In the wake of a site-crashing interview with the founder and editor of The American Prospect—in which he talked about administration in-fighting, tensions with North Korea, looming economic war with China, and his high hopes for Democrat’s focus on identity politics—top Trump advisor Steve Bannon, according to responses gathered by Axios, is possibly in pretty deep(er) shit just about now with his White House colleagues.

One person, described by Axios‘ Jonathan Swan as “not an enemy of [Bannon’s],” indicated the consquences of the interview could be severe.

“Since Steve apparently enjoys casually undermining U.S. national security,” the White House staff member reportedly said, “I’ll put this in terms he’ll understand: This is DEFCON 1-level bad.”

To begin with, it seemed a strange choice for Bannon to call the Prospect‘s Robert Kuttner, who confessed he was a “little stunned” to receive a message from Bannon’s assistant that the former head of the right-wing Breitbart news outlet—now one of Trump’s most contentious and controversial top aides—would be calling him to bounce around ideas.

While some suggested Bannon might be acting the master strategist and somehow making a “play” with his call to Kuttner, Swan argued emphatically his belief this was not the case. “You might read some takes tomorrow saying Bannon is playing 5D chess & this was part of a devious strategy,” he tweeted. “Those takes will be wrong.”

Kuttner appeared on CNN Wednesday evening and said that his talk with Bannon revealed to him the man’s “hubris” and “arrogance”:

According to Kuttner, who also writes in the article that Bannon never once brought up the idea that the conversation would be “off the record,” the motivation for the call was Kuttner’s recent column on the subject of U.S. and North Korean tensions and the political and economic implications with China they entail. The argument of the article, entitled U.S. vs. North Korea: The Winner? China, had impressed Bannon. “You absolutely nailed it,” Bannon said.

“We’re at economic war with China,” Bannon continued. “It’s in all their literature. They’re not shy about saying what they’re doing. One of us is going to be a hegemon in 25 or 30 years and it’s gonna be them if we go down this path. On Korea, they’re just tapping us along. It’s just a sideshow.”