
Marina Moscone RTW Fall 2019

Marina Moscone loves the storytelling journey of design from start to finish. Watching everything come together, whether it’s hand tie-dying the lace inlays of easy, sexy slips in her studio or the setting for her first true runway format at the Rare Book Room at the Strand bookstore, is more special to her than the end result. However, her end result was a truly divine collection of texture and fluidity.

Moscone likened the idea into repurposing for fall. She took moving blankets and rendered them into tactile topcoats and exploded coin purses (a second version was made from mink fur scraps), further mimicking the look with knit and woven ensembles that felt right at home with her fluid anchors — a basque tailored strapless dress or navy frock with contrast topstitching with long fringelike strings. Moscone mentioned she’ll always have those signatures, but wanted longer, flowy pieces for fall, like sweeping coats and color-blocked dresses. A mix of Nineties slips and long overcoats paired with vintage cameo necklaces the designer found in antique shops on the outskirts of Rome rounded out the tasteful and ultramodern collection.

“It’s amazing because I think she’s a bit of a womanist and I feel very proud to make clothes for women as a woman, and I just try to lead by example and try to follow the example of others I look up to, too,” Moscone said backstage after the show. A few of those women, Missy Rayder, Amy Wesson and Natane Boudreau, even walked the show.

Maria Moscone RTW Fall 2019

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